linkThe event log object
Below you will find the various attributes for the event log resource.
By default, most event logs are kept into perpetuity. Certain high-volume events, e.g. license validation, may be pruned every 90 days.
object<string, any>read onlyObject containing event metadata.
Depending on the event type, this may include a license validation code, a diff of the resource's updated attributes (new, old), what version an upgrade was from, etc. All metadata is subject to change.
individualent onlyThese relationships are only available for accounts on an Ent tier.The environment that the event was for.
Example object
{ "data": { "id": "ce7d8015-7216-4274-9b08-c201f8c5eda4", "type": "event-logs", "attributes": { "event": "license.updated", "metadata": { "diff": { "expiry": [ "2023-09-26T16:08:27.575Z", "2016-09-05T22:53:37.000Z" ] } }, "created": "2023-09-12T16:08:27.999Z", "updated": "2023-09-12T16:08:27.999Z" }, "relationships": { "account": { "links": { "related": "/v1/accounts/<account>" }, "data": { "type": "accounts", "id": "<account>" } }, "environment": { "links": { "related": null }, "data": null }, "request": { "links": { "related": "/v1/accounts/<account>/request-logs/481b2319-9441-46d4-9ce3-c1960510101c" }, "data": { "type": "request-logs", "id": "481b2319-9441-46d4-9ce3-c1960510101c" } }, "whodunnit": { "links": { "related": "/v1/accounts/<account>/users/ed812000-42cb-4495-9038-749b08f4a09a" }, "data": { "type": "users", "id": "ed812000-42cb-4495-9038-749b08f4a09a" } }, "resource": { "links": { "related": "/v1/accounts/<account>/licenses/4110c2a6-7d66-4573-8147-d641d352601a" }, "data": { "type": "licenses", "id": "4110c2a6-7d66-4573-8147-d641d352601a" } } }, "links": { "self": "/v1/accounts/<account>/event-logs/ce7d8015-7216-4274-9b08-c201f8c5eda4" } }}