Fair Source distribution & auto-updates
Since 2016, we've handled distribution for hundreds of software products. Keygen is Fair Source, built by developers, for developers. Self-host or try Keygen Cloud today.
Free during development, no upfront commitment
With Keygen, protect your software at the distribution layer with our license-gated CDN. Gain peace of mind that only entitled licensees can download release artifacts.
curl -X GET -G https://api.keygen.sh/v1/accounts/demo/releases/1.9.2/upgrade \ -H 'Authorization: License C1B6DE-39A6E3-DE1529-8559A0-4AF593-V3' \ -H 'Accept: application/vnd.api+json' \ -d 'constraint=1.0' \ -d 'channel=stable'
Build vs. buy
Businesses of all sizes face the question of whether to build or buy a software licensing and distribution solution. Keygen gives you a better option that will save your business time and money.
- Reduce the up-front development and ongoing maintenance costs of a custom in-house solution.
- Maintain the flexibility of a custom in-house solution, but leave the hard stuff to us.
- Infrastructure for automatic upgrades, cryptographic signatures, and more.
- Developer support and integration services by our distribution experts.
- Cloud and self-hosted options.
All-in-one solution
We'll handle the infrastructure so your team can focus on product. Implement robust software distribution models, from distributing a freemium desktop application, to distributing a premium PyPI package, to Docker containers, to on-premise application binaries.
Protect your IP at the application layer with our flagship licensing API. License keys, entitlements, activation, and more.
Protect your IP at the distribution layer using our distribution API. License-gated downloads, auto-upgrades, and more.
Effortlessly go from hundreds of users, to thousands, to hundreds of thousands of users and beyond.
Trusted by over 6,000 software businesses all over the worldincluding F1000s, AI startups, SMBs, and indies

Solutions for licensing & distribution
dns Choice
Managed Keygen Cloud, or explore self-hosting.
library_books Quickstarts
Guides and API references for developers of all skill levels.
insert_chart Dashboard
Manage your products from an intuitive dashboard.
business Pricing
From indie to enterprise, we have options for everyone.