
Use your admin Dashboard to search for licenses, users, machines, and more. You can use the advanced search mechanism available in the Dashboard to look up information about:

  • Products
  • Policies
  • Licenses
  • Users
  • Machines
  • Request Logs

You can use different pieces of information as search terms. Examples include: a user's email address (, the first 4 characters of a license key (e.g., key:1ff0), first and last name of a particular user (e.g., fullName:'John Doe'), or a metadata value, such as a customer's ID within your payment provider (metadata:{customerId:cust_foo}).

When you perform a search, the top results will appear immediately. Results will be sorted by relevance according to your search query.

The underlying search API endpoint is not a public API at this time. Do not utilize the search API endpoint for anything mission-critical, as it may change at anytime. We may introduce an official search API in the future.

Search fields and operators

You can use specific search fields and operators to further refine your searches. The more terms you provide in your search query, the fewer the number of results, and the more relevant the results.

A typical search will follow this syntax:

type<type> <field>:<value> <field>:<value> …

All searches must include a type field. When field values contain a space or a colon, you will need to surround the value with quotes, e.g. name:'Cool App' or fingerprint:'ab:cd:ef'.

Below you can find the types which are searchable within your admin Dashboard, and the fields which you can use within a search query:

Products type:product

Field Description Example
id The full or partial ID of the product type:product id:c2a62d53
name The name of the product type:product name:'Cool App'

Policies type:policy

Field Description Example
id The full or partial ID of the policy type:policy id:7f9353cd
name The name of the policy type:policy name:'Professional Edition'
product The ID or name of the product the policy belongs to type:policy product:'awesome product'

Users type:user

Field Description Example
id The full or partial ID of the user type:user id:ca25e7a4
email The email of the user type:user
firstName The first name of the user type:user firstName:john
lastName The last name of the user type:user lastName:doe
fullName The full name of the user type:user fullName:'John Doe'
role The role of the user type:user role:admin

Licenses type:license

Field Description Example
id The full or partial ID of the license type:license id:3cec6aff
name The name of the license type:license name:"Some License"
key The full or partial key of the license type:license key:42dd-4de0-94fe-6c4f
product The ID or name of the product the license belongs to type:license product:awesome
policy The ID or name of the policy the license belongs to type:license policy:pro
user The ID or email of the user the license belongs to type:license

Machines type:machine

Field Description Example
id The full or partial ID of the machine type:machine id:d9c2
fingerprint The full or partial fingerprint of the machine type:machine fingerprint:'42:dd:4d'
name The name of the machine type:machine name:laptop
product The ID or name of the product the machine belongs to type:machine product:awesome
policy The ID or name of the policy the machine belongs to type:machine policy:pro
user The ID or email of the user the machine belongs to type:machine
license The ID or name of the license the machine belongs to type:machine license:42dd-4de0

Request Logs type:request-logs

Field Description Example
id The full or partial ID of the request log type:request-log id:d7d9be15
url The full or partial URL path of the request type:request-log url:/validate
ip The IP address for the request type:request-log ip:
method The HTTP method of the request type:request-log method:POST
status The HTTP status of the request type:request-log status:422

Metadata searches

You can perform searches on metadata that you have added to resources that support it (e.g., licenses). You can use the metadata: field so the search looks up specific metadata key-values. To search for a specific metadata key-value pair, use the metadata key name within the query. For example:


Depending on the search, you can omit the quotes around the value of each key-value pair within the metadata query. Usually, it's perfectly fine to omit the quotes, but values that begin with a number may need to be surrounded with quotes to disambiguate the value's type.

Best practices

Many searches can be performed with a single search term. Use something that would be fairly atypical, such as a license key, or an email address. If you are seeing too few results, make the search term less specific. If there are too many results, include additional terms, one at a time.

You may also need to perform multiple searches. For example, to look up all machines for a specific license key, you would search for the license with the given key, obtain its UUID, and then search for the machine associated to that license id.

type:license key:C1B6DE-39A6E3-DE1529-8559A0-4AF593-V3
type:machine license:218810ed-2ac8-4c26-a725-a6da67500561


We're always happy to help with code or other questions you might have! If you have any questions about what you've learned today, be sure to reach out!